A steel frame building

Benefits of a Steel Frame Building for Your Texas Metal Construction

Steel is a popular material used in residential and commercial construction because of its many unmatched features. Bal-Con Builders will help build your success for the future through our metal construction services. If you’re considering putting up a steel frame building, here are its benefits you should know about.


When you work with Bal-Con Builders, you can be assured that your steel frame building is of high quality, durable, and robust. Steel doesn’t contract or expand even if you’re in an area prone to changing temperatures. Custom metal buildings are resistant to harsh weather conditions. They will not rot or rust like wood materials do over time. Our Texas metal building company produces steel that won’t warp, chip, or crack.


The actual process of manufacturing a steel frame building involves sustainable practices. As a Texas commercial metal builder, we seek to construct structures that have a low environmental impact. Steel is recyclable, so not only do you reduce your carbon footprint, but you can also reuse materials for other projects.

Less Maintenance

Our residential and commercial clients prefer custom metal buildings because they require less maintenance and repair costs. Infestations cause more harm to structures than fire or floods do. Steel is resistant to pests like termites and rodents, so you can cross those off your worries. As your metal builder, we want to reduce your stress when it comes to maintaining our products. Mold doesn’t grow on steel like it does on wooden structures.


Steel is optimal for warm weather because it’s excellent at reflecting the sun’s UV rays. This is especially beneficial during the hot summer months in Texas. Our commercial metal construction company manufactures structures with superior light reflectivity and low heat emissivity. On the other hand, the insulating properties of steel perfectly trap heat in because there are no gaps like in wooden structures. This is the advantage of a steel frame building in reducing your energy bills.

Safety and Longevity

Your steel frame building will last longer than a wooden or cement one because the materials are resistant to corrosion. Custom metal buildings are a great investment. Since steel is not affected by weather or aging the same way other materials are, your building will have a longer lifespan. Steel is also non-combustible or fire-resistant to improve your safety. You’ll have better peace of mind that your assets are safeguarded.

Choose a Steel Frame Building for Your Next Metal Construction

Bal-Con Builders is dedicated to building your success for the future through our metal construction services. We help you build your legacy while providing unmatched customer service. Looking for premium-quality builds? A steel frame building will stand the test of time. With hundreds of projects under our belt and a combined experience of over four decades, we’ll construct your dreams into reality. Contact us today for a quote!

Our Commitment to Your Success

You want a building meant to outlast future generations, and we want to help you build it. Whether you seek our residential or commercial metal building projects, we are fully dedicated to your projects’ success and, as a result, your own. We look forward to working together!

Customers We Serve


Bal-Con Builders is a Texas-based metal builder and fabrication company assisting in both residential and commercial builds.

Mon – Fri. | 9:00 am – 5:00 pm